
Health and Safety to Go

Health and Safety To Go! CCOHS produces monthly podcasts on a wide variety of topics related to workplace health and safety. Each episode is designed to keep you current with information, tips and insights into the health, safety and well-being of working Canadians. Best of all, they’re FREE! Take a listen to an episode of Health and Safety To Go! You can download the audio segment to your computer or MP3 player and listen to it at your own convenience...or on the go!


Cyber Safety For Kids and Teens

Do you know who your kids are communicating with on-line? What web sites they are visiting? Do they have private access to their computers? Are your kids more familiar with: web sites | e-mail | instant messaging | chat rooms | blogging | file-sharing | and cell phones; than you are?

The internet has created a new way to access information and communicate with each other, however, at the same time it has created a whole new series of problems around child and youth safety, crime and other related issues.

The following web site information is intended to provide you with links to the best available information and tools that will help you understand the issues relating to the internet and Cyber Safety.


BC Professional Firefighters burn fund

The Burn Fund provides life saving, life supporting, and life enriching services to the people in British Columbia. More than 3,700 professional fire fighters in BC dedicate and donate their time and skills to support burn survivors and increase the public's knowledge about fire and burn safety issues through the work the Burn Fund does with its Burn Awareness, Research and Prevention Programs. To Help Donate OnLine

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