Pension and Benefits
Our Pension Plan
The Pulp and Paper Industry Pension Plan is designed to provide retirement income to employees in the pulp and paper industry.
Recent events have increased the uncertainty and volatility in all markets and will no doubt result in you wondering about the security of your pension. The majority of the Pulp and Paper Industry Pension Plan's (the "Plan") assets are invested in high quality bonds in the Canadian market. Although a small portion of the assets are invested in the stock market, the Plan's assets have been virtually unaffected by the recent declines in global equity markets. The Trustees are confident that the assets in the Plan are more than sufficient to cover current pensions and the accrued obligations for all active and terminated vested participants.
Your initial login will need an eleven digit unique identifier and your password. Your unique identifier is made up of the following:
1) The first three letters of your last name in capital letter.
2) Your first initial in capital letter.
3) The year and month of birth in YYMM format
4) The last 3 digits of your social insurance number
The first time you login, your password will be your birthdate in YYYYMMDD format, followed by the last three digits of your SIN. Example 19600317789
After entering this information, the site will ask you to change your password and select three challenge questions.
Health Insurance

Sun Life Insurance
Click here to log-in to your "my SunLife" customer account.